Wednesday, August 28, 2024

All Paws on Deck!

 My dog, Jaeger, is even more part of my day-to-day after traveling west and camping for a month.  Upon returning, I decided to invest in a sit-on-top kayak.  Being late in summer, kayaks were harder to find, and the shipping costs were prohibitive.  I ended up buying a display model at a big-box store.  They were nice about helping me load it on the rack on my CR-V.

First-mate Jaeger and his captain.

With my arthritic hip, getting in and out of our traditional kayaks is tough enough by myself, much less with a dog.  And if he were to tip us midstream, the only option would be to head for the bank and look for a flat spot.  But with a sit-on-top, I hope to get us back aboard.  Maybe. The odds are better.

Yesterday was our maiden voyage with Jaeger as first mate.  We went to the A.Y. McDonald Park on the Mississippi River, put in, paddled around the marina near the Yardarm Riverfront Bar & Grill and out into the channel, then returned to the dock and practiced getting into and out of the kayak.  From my sit-on-top kayak to Jamie's regular kayak, Jaeger went back and forth, climbing out onto the dock and then into a kayak.  Success so far!

Jaeger with Jamie.

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